It’s hard to ignore the fact that the use of e-bikes has exploded in recent years. In 2022, over 1.1 million e-bikes were sold, quadrupling sales in just three years. However, with the spike in e-bikes on the road comes an increased risk of accidents, some of which...
Personal Injury
Catastrophic injuries could change your earning capacity
If you suffer catastrophic injuries, such as a spinal cord injury (SCI), a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or another major head injury, you certainly may need compensation for the related medical bills and lost wages. If someone else caused that injury – a driver who...
Could you get sepsis from an injury?
One of the top reasons why Americans die in the hospital is from sepsis. Some reports claim it is the number one leading cause of death in these settings. But even if it’s simply somewhere in the top 10, that’s still surprising because 40% of Americans haven’t heard...
Why a TBI can cause mental health issues
Most people don’t realize just how much the brain does until they suffer a brain injury. Just what kind of symptoms and changes a person experiences after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) depends on what part(s) of the brain have been injured. People who suffer a TBI...
Are escalators dangerous?
Escalators have been around since the late 1800s, and they’re not really considered very dangerous – but they probably should be. Even though escalators are pretty ubiquitous in shopping malls, office buildings, airports and more, they’re actually a lot riskier to...
How personality changes caused by TBI can affect a person’s life
We’ve all read and heard tragic stories of professional football players and others with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) caused by multiple traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) who became angry, violent, unstable people as the result of all this trauma to their...
Why are brain injuries different from one person to the next?
Two people can suffer brain injuries and have vastly different symptoms moving forward. A traumatic brain injury is always something that should be taken seriously, but this does make it more complicated. The type of treatment that is necessary may be much different,...
3 mistakes to avoid when filing a wrongful death claim
Losing a loved one due to an avoidable cause can be devastating. If another party's negligent actions caused an accident that severely injured your loved one, leading to their death, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim. However, you should be careful...
How to protect yourself from dog attacks
There are many dog lovers in the world and you might be one of them. However, even many dog lovers have stories about how they were attacked by a dog who felt threatened. To better ensure your safety, you’ll want to consider the following when you’re around dogs:...
How do people overlook spinal cord injuries after a crash?
Most people think of spinal cord injuries as obvious and immediate. In the vast majority of cases, that is accurate. When someone suffers a complete spinal cord injury that severs the spinal cord, they will immediately lose sensation and function below the site of the...